The magnetic field for given potential

B=×A Note several useful constants:

c=197.326MeVfm e=4π1137 β=11/γ2

To determine the field at point given by x x=x0/c y=x1/c z=x2/c

Then let: R=x2+y2+(zγ)2

Now the Magnetic field is : B=βγ(x,y,z)×B0 B=(yβγB0,xβγB0,0)

where B0 is: B0=e24πZAuR3R/c0r2ρ(r)drρˆz ρ=inf0r2ρ(r)dr

Compute B(r) with x=(r,0,0) : |B(r)|=rβγe24πZAuR3R/c0r2ρ(r)drρ

Using a spherically symmetric Woods-Saxson distribution: ρ(r)=ρ0(1+w2r2/R2Au)1+e(rRAu)/a with ρ0=3A4πR3Au

where: a is the skin depth, w is the ???, and RAu is the radius of the nucleus.