In the Press

Physicists See ‘Strange Matter’ Form inside Atomic Nuclei
Scientific American,
New research attempts to discern how bizarre particles of strange matter form in the nuclei of atoms…

New Type of Entanglement Lets Scientists ‘See’ Inside Nuclei
Department of Energy, Office of Science,
Quantum interference between dissimilar particles offers new approach for mapping gluons in nuclei, and potentially harnessing entanglement.…
Nuclear physicist Daniel Brandenburg @danbburg @OhioState 2022 Blavatnik Regional Awards Finalist and collaborators have found a way to peer inside the deepest recesses of atomic nuclei according to a new study @BrookhavenLab #RHIC #quantumentanglement
— Blavatnik Awards (@BlavatnikAwards) February 24, 2023

Scientists See Quantum Interference between Different Kinds of Particles for First Time
Scientific American,
A newly discovered interaction related to quantum entanglement between dissimilar particles opens a new window into the nuclei of atoms…

Scientists make historic breakthrough in quantum entanglement
Medium US,
Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered a new kind of quantum entanglement, giving us an insight into a…

New type of quantum entanglement observed, helping physicists “see” inside atoms
COSMOS magazine,
With the discovery, the scientists may have struck gold (ions). The house-size STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion…

Un nuevo tipo de entrelazamiento cuántico permite 'ver' el interior de los núcleos atómicos,
El hallazgo permitirá también construir herramientas de comunicación y computadoras más potentes que las actuales Un equipo de fí…

Un nuevo tipo de entrelazamiento cuántico permite 'ver' el interior de los núcleos atómicos
ABC desevilla,
Copiar enlace Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Email Esta funcionalidad es sólo para registrados Inicio Mi perfil Mis suscripciones…

Un nuevo tipo de entrelazamiento cuántico permite 'ver' el interior de los núcleos atómicos
La Voz Digital,
Un equipo de físicos del Brookhaven National Laboratory ha conseguido encontrar un nuevo modo de utilizar un colisionador de…

發現全新類型量子糾纏,來自 2 個帶不同電荷的粒子,
量子糾纏是種奇怪又迷人的現象,近日,布魯克黑文國家實驗室團隊發現全新的量子糾纏類型,首次捕捉到由 2 個帶不同電荷的粒子糾纏產生之干涉圖樣。 當一對粒子相互糾纏,它們的關係就會變得比別人還緊密,無論它們相距多遠,只要其中一個粒子產生變化,另一個都會立即呼應跟…

Физика Физики открыли совершенно новый тип квантовой запутанности Никита Шевцев
, 06:14 Обычно квантовая запутанность наблюдается между парами идентичных фотонов или электронов.

Overnight News Digest: Science Saturday, 1/7/23
Daily Kos,
Welcome to the Overnight News Digest with a crew consisting of founder Magnifico, regular editors side pocket, maggiejean…
First Quantum Entanglement Between Dissimilar Particles Provides A View Inside Atomic Nuclei
Positively and negatively charged versions of the same particle have been entangled for the first time, allowing us to map the…

Physicists discover completely new type of quantum entanglement
New Atlas,
Physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have discovered a completely new type of quantum entanglement, the spooky…

New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei
Sky Nightly ,
New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei by Staff Writers Upton NY (SPX) Jan 05, 2023 Left: Scientists use…
New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei - journalbreak
Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a particle collider at the U.S.
New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei - swifttelecast
Swift Telecast,
Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a particle collider at the U.S.
New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei -
Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) — a particle collider at the U.S.

New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei
Science Daily,
Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) to see the shape and details inside…
Government Scientists Discover Entirely New Kind of Quantum Entanglement in Breakthrough
Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered an entirely new kind of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon that…
Scientists gain insight into inner workings of nuclei via entanglement - journalbreak
UPTON, NY — Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), a particle collider at…

New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei
UPTON, NYNuclear physicists have found a new way to use theRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC)a particle collider at the U.S.

New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei
UPTON, NY—Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a particle collider at the U.

Scientists gain insight into inner workings of nuclei via entanglement
Mirage News,
DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory UPTON, NY—Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider …

Government Scientists Discover Entirely New Kind of Quantum Entanglement in Breakthrough
Image:Brookhaven National Laboratory ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and…
New Type of Entanglement Lets Scientists ‘See’ Inside Nuclei,
Post Views: 2 Daniel Brandenburg and Zhangbu Xu at the STAR detector of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).

New type of entanglement lets scientists 'see' inside nuclei,
Nuclear physicists have found a new way to use the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a particle collider at the U.S.

New Type of Entanglement Lets Scientists 'See' Inside Nuclei
First-ever observation of quantum interference between dissimilar particles offers new approach for mapping distribution of…

Brookhaven's Brandenburg named 2022 Blavatnik Regional Awards finalist
UPTON, NY James (Daniel) Brandenburg, a Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow uncovering clues about the makeup of visible matter at…

Brookhaven’s Brandenburg named 2022 Blavatnik Regional Awards finalist,
UPTON, NY —James (Daniel) Brandenburg, a Goldhaber Distinguished Fellow uncovering clues about the makeup of visible matter at…

Scientists managed to take pure energy and create matter — and new physics
E = mc2 may be the most quotidian equation in physics. Everyone’s heard of it and it’s been proven time and again. Did you…

Making matter from collisions of light
Space Daily,
Nuclear scientists have used a powerful particle accelerator to create matter directly from collisions of light.

Making matter from collisions of light
The Science Nuclear scientists have used a powerful particle accelerator to create matter directly from collisions of light.

Making Matter from Collisions of Light
The Science Nuclear scientists have used a powerful particle accelerator to create matter directly from collisions of light.

bild der wissenschaft 11-2021 -,
Zu den Nachrichten in der Rubrik „Magazin“ in der bild der wissenschaft-Ausgabe 11/2021, finden Sie hier die Quellen und weiterfü…

Physicists Probe Light Smashups To Guide Future Research Beyond the Standard Model
Scitech Daily,
Rice physicists teamed with colleagues at Europes Large Hadron Collider to study matter-generating collisions of light.

On a reproduit la création de la matière par la lumière du Big Bang
Il y a 80 ans, le physicien d'origine russe Gregory Breit et son collègue états-unien John Wheeler prédisaient que de la matière…
Understanding photon collisions could aid the search for physics beyond the Standard Model
The compact muon solenoid experiment at the European Organization for Nuclear Research̵ 7;s Large Hadron Collider.

Understanding photon collisions could aid search for physics beyond the Standard Model
True Viral News,
The Compact Muon Solenoid experiment was performed at the European Organization for Nuclear Researchs Large Hdron Collider.

Physicists probe light smashups to guide future research
Science Daily,
Light has no mass, but Europe's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can convert light's energy into massive particles.

Physicists probe light smashups to guide future research
HOUSTON – (Sept. 20, 2021) – Hot on the heels of proving an 87-year-old prediction that matter can be generated directly from…

Physicists probe light smashups to guide future research
Mirage News,
Rice University HOUSTON – (Sept. 20, 2021) – Hot on the heels of proving an 87-year-old prediction that matter can be generated…
Government Scientists Are Creating Matter From Pure Light
In a U.S. government laboratory on Long Island, scientists have forged matter out of pure light using a sophisticated particle…

Government Scientists Are Creating Matter From Pure Light
ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs.

Understanding photon collisions could aid search for physics beyond the Standard Model,
Hot on the heels of proving an 87-year-old prediction that matter can be generated directly from light, Rice University…
成大高能核物理實驗室 參與愛因斯坦著名公式驗證
PC Home,
【大成報/記者于郁金/臺南報導】國立成功大學高能核物理實驗室參與位在美國布魯克海文國家實驗室(Brookhaven National Laboratory,BNL)STAR實驗,首次驗證從純能量(光子)產生正反物質對,這就是愛因斯坦最著名的質能互換公式:E…
成大高能核物理實驗室 參與愛因斯坦著名公式驗
【勁報/記者于郁金/臺南報導】國立成功大學高能核物理實驗室參與位在美國布魯克海文國家實驗室(Brookhaven National Laboratory,BNL)STAR實驗,首次驗證從純能量(光子)產生正反物質對,這就是愛因斯坦最著名的質能互換公式:E=m…

Revolutionäre Physik bestätigt 80 Jahre alte Theorie: Forscher wandeln Licht in Materie um
Trends Dezukunft,
E=mc² – die berühmte Formel von Albert Einstein kennt so gut wie jeder. Die Erkenntnis dahinter ist wiederum wahrscheinlich…

Forscher erzeugen Materie aus Licht - Experiment im Teilchenbeschleuniger bestätigt fast 90 Jahre alte Theorie -
Einstein im Beschleuniger: Physiker haben Materieteilchen aus purem Licht erzeugt – durch die Kollision von energiereichen…

Equação de Einstein usada, pela primeira vez, para criar matéria a partir da luz
(dr) Brookhaven National Laboratory Detector STAR Com base numa das equações mais famosas de Albert Einstein, uma equipa de físic…

爱因斯坦著名的E=mc2方程于1905年11月21日首次发表,源于他的狭义相对论。它指出,如果你将两个能量足够大的光子或轻粒子相互碰撞,你应该能够创造出电子形式的物质和它的反物质相反形式的正电子。根据发表在《物理快报》(Journal Physical…
Matter Has Been Created From Light For The First Time – Proving Einstein’s Equation Once Again
Wonderful Engineering,
The theory presented by Einstein about matter and energy has been studied thoroughly ever since it was proposed.

Physicists Transform Pure Energy into Matter and Antimatter | Chemistry And Physics
A new study published in Physical Review Letters presents evidence for the creation of matter and antimatter from energy…

Physicists Transform Pure Energy into Matter and Antimatter | Chemistry And Physics
A new study published in Physical Review Letters presents evidence for the creation of matter and antimatter from energy…

Physicists Transform Pure Energy into Matter and Antimatter | Chemistry And Physics
A new study published in Physical Review Letters presents evidence for the creation of matter and antimatter from energy…

News story from Daily Mail on Tuesday 17 August 2021
Daily Mail,

لأول مرة.. علماء يتمكنون من رصد تحول الضوء إلى مادة
تطلب الأمر أعواما من الفحص، وأكثر من 6 آلاف عملية تصادم لرصد الإلكترونات الناتجة، واستخدام آليات حاسوبية معقدة لإثبات أن الإلكترو…

Physicists reveal strongest evidence yet of matter created by light collisions
Sign of the Times,
© sakkmesterke / iStock Artist's conception of a futuristic particle accelerator.

1934年,格雷戈里·布雷特(Gregory Breit)和约翰·惠勒(John Wheeler)预测,当两个光子相碰时,有可能产生一个电子和一个正电子。根据爱因斯坦著名的质能方程,E=mc²,我们知道能量和物质是可以互换的。例如,在太阳和核电站的核反应中…

Físicos consiguen extraer los pares materia-antimateria de las partículas de luz que acompañan al oro
RT Network,
El experimento, realizado con un colisionador estadounidense, demuestra que generar partículas con masa directamente a partir…
Physicists uncovered evidence of matter from light collisions
In particle physics, high-speed collisions are usually a good thing. And if two photons are knocked together with enough force…
Gold Ions Used To Create Antimatter From Pure Energy
This sounds a bit like alchemy, but researchers have created matter/antimatter particle pairs using light and gold – but…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La Opinion de Murcia,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
El Periódico Extremadura,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
El Periódico Mediterraneo,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…
10 Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
El Periódico de Aragón,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…

Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La Opinión Málaga,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…

Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
Diario de Mallorca,
Eduardo Martínez de la Fe 12·08·21 | 08:15 La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos…

Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
Faro de Vigo,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La Opinión de Zamora,
Eduardo Martínez de la Fe 12·08·21 | 08:15 La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
Diario de Ibiza,
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…

Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La Opinión A Coruña ,
Eduardo Martínez de la Fe 12·08·21 | 08:15 La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven, en…

Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
El Periodico - ES,
5 Se lee en minutos 12 de agosto del 2021. 08:00 0 Comentarios La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han…
Comprobado: las colisiones de luz producen materia y antimateria a partir de energía pura
| sport 12/08/2021 a las 08:00 CEST La luz pura se puede convertir en materia y antimateria, han comprobado científicos del…
Physicists Detect Strongest Evidence Yet Of Matter Generated By Collisions Of Light
Technology Times ,
Thankfully, there’s a way physicists can tell which electron-positron pairs are generated by the Breit-Wheeler process: the…

Physicists Just Revealed the Strongest Evidence of Matter Created by Light Collisions
Interesting Engineering,
In particle physics, high-speed collisions are usually a good thing. And, when two photons are smashed into one another with…

Physicists Produce Matter and Antimatter from Photon Collisions | Physics |
Physicists with the STAR Collaboration at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have produced…

Materia powstaje ze światła? Naukowcy znaleźli na to najmocniejszy eksperymentalny dowód, jaki dotychczas przedstawiono,
Choć John Wheeler nigdy nie otrzymał Nagrody Nobla, był jednym z najsłynniejszych fizyków teoretycznych poprzedniego wieku.

Physicists Detect Strongest Evidence Yet of Matter Generated by Collisions of Light
True Viral News,
The theory states that if two photons are mashed together enough, it can create matter.

Physicists Detect Strongest Evidence Yet of Matter Generated by Collisions of Light
Science Alert,
According to theory, if you smash two photons together hard enough, you can generate matter: an electron-positron pair, the…

Colliding photons were spotted making matter. But are the photons ‘real’?
Science News,
Collide light with light, and poof, you get matter and antimatter. It sounds like a simple idea, but it turns out to be…

Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy
Sky Nightly ,
Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy by Staff Writers Upton NY (SPX) Aug 03, 2021 Making matter from…

Scientists Generate Matter Directly From Light – Physics Phenomena Predicted More Than 80 Years Ago
Scitech Daily,
Abstract energy concept illustration. Collisions of Light Produce Matter and Antimatter From Pure Energy Study demonstrates a…

На релятивистском коллайдере доказали предсказанные 80 лет назад явления
, 16:05 Ученые, изучающие столкновения частиц на релятивистском коллайдере тяжелых ионов RHIC, получили окончательные доказательс…

Ученым впервые удалось получить материю из чистой энергии,
Физики, которые работают на детекторе STAR в Брукхейвенской национальной лаборатории в Соединенных Штатах, рассказали, что смогли…

Collisions of light produce matter/antimatter from pure energy
Science Daily,
Scientists studying particle collisions have produced definitive evidence for two physics phenomena predicted more than 80…

Collisions of light produce matter/antimatter from pure energy,
Scientists studying particle collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a U.S.

Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy
Newswise — UPTON, NY—Scientists studying particle collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)—a U.S.
Collisions of Light Produce Matter/Antimatter from Pure Energy,
Post Views: 2 UPTON, NYScientists studying particle collisions at theRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider(RHIC)a U.S.
È possibile creare materia e antimateria solo con la luce
Un fenomeno tramite il quale si può generare materia in maniera diretta solo con la luce è stato dimostrato nel corso di un…

Famous Einstein equation used to create matter from light for first time
Home News In a stunning demonstration of one of Einstein's most famous equations, physicists are claiming to have created…