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2024 RHIC-AGS Users Meeting

Scientific Agenda
The Annual RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting will be held on June 11–14, 2024. The meeting will highlight the latest results from the PHENIX, STAR and sPHENIX experiments and provide an outlook with the future programs at RHIC and the EIC. Workshops that will be held on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12 will enable more in-depth discussions of the following topics:- Beam Energy Scan
- Computing, Machine Learning, & AI
- Heavy Flavor & Quarkonia
- Jets
- Spin Physics, Cold QCD, & UPCs
- Flow & Vorticity
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The full agenda is available here on indico: Agenda
OSU Contributions
I organized with Jae Nam (Temple University), and Sookhyun Lee (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) the Cold QCD, Spin Physics, & UPCs from RHIC to the EIC workshop on Tuesday afternoon, June 11th, 2024. I presented the workshop summary on Friday during the plenary session. Slides are available here Cold QCD, Spin and UPC Summary
Details: Cold QCD, Spin Physics, & UPCs from RHIC to the EIC - Bldg. 488, Berkner Hall Room B¶ 488 (Bldg.) Conveners: Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University), Jae Nam (Temple University), Sookhyun Lee (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Yevheniia convened the full day Beam Energy Scan workshop on Wednesday June 12th, 2024. With her Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis) and Zhiwan Xu (University of California, Los Angeles) served as co-conveners. Yevheniia gave the workshop summary on Thursday during the plenary session. Slides are available here Beam Energy Scan Summary
Details: Beam Energy Scan (Full day) Physics Department, (Bldg. 510), Large Seminar Room and Remote Viewing Conveners: Yevheniia Khyzhniak (Ohio State University), Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis), Zhiwan Xu (University of California, Los Angeles)
OSU Physics highlights

364 Words
2024-06-15 12:35 +0000
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