2 minutes
July 2024 LHCb Ions and Fixed Target, 3rd Annual Meeting

The 3rd Annual LHCb Ions and Fixed Target Meeting was held in Santiago de Campostela, Spain. The meeting was hosted by the University of Santiago de Compostela. The meeting was held in the Faculty of Physics, located in the Campus Vida, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Santiago de Campostela is a beautiful location, I only wish I had more time to explore and enjoy the scenic landscapes and unique . The meeting was held from July 1st to July 3rd, 2024 and involved . The purpose of the meeting is to consider the results from LHCb and identify relevant measurements to be done with the LHCb detector for Run5 and beyond! The meeting will be arranged in four sessions, and cover 8 topics. Each topic will have a dedicated theoretical and experimental talk focusing on future studies with the LHCb detector.- Bulk QCD
- Electromagnetic probes
- Heavy Flavor
- Quarkonia
- Jets
- Exotica
- Central Exclusive and Ultra Peripheral physics (CEP and UPC)
- Fixed Target physics at LHCb
OSU Contributions
OSU members contributed 3 talks. I presented two talks (one for Mike Lisa). One on the entanglement enabled spin interference phenomena and specifically how it can be further explored and utilized at LHCb. The second talk was about the potential for bringing the Event Plane Detector to the LHCb after the end of the RHIC program. The presentation explored the use cases and provided a first look at resolution studies. Maria presented a talk on Toroidal Vorticity at LHCb.
This workshop allowed us to get to know many people from the LHCb IFT group and discuss further how OSU can contribute (both physics and to the collaboration generally). I had many discussions with Ronan about the UPC related measurements that can be done at LHCb.
292 Words
2024-06-15 12:35 +0000
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